Struggling with SSDI? Debunk myths, like waiting a year or automatic denials. Learn how a skilled lawyer can streamline the process. Get help at Kenton Koszdin Law Office.

Can I Qualify For SSD Benefits If I Have Chronic Pain?

By Kenton Koszdin Law Office on October 2, 2023
In Social Security Benefits

Discover if chronic pain qualifies you for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits. Learn eligibility criteria and take steps to secure financial support.

Congratulations! Your application for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits has been approved, which is a significant step towards financial stability during a tough time. While receiving approval is great news, you may wonder when you’ll receive your first payment. Learn more about the important dates to look out for.

Applying for Social Security benefits can be overwhelming, but being prepared with the necessary documents can make the process easier. Read on to understand the complete list of documents required and get tips on when to start your application. If you need assistance with your claim, consider contacting Kenton Koszdin Law Office for a free consultation with a disability attorney.

14 Reasons Why Social Security Disability Benefits Would Be Suspended

By Kenton Koszdin Law Office on April 23, 2022
In Blogs

If your social security benefits have been suspended, it might be due to one of these common reasons. Find out more about why your benefits might be stopped.

Social Security Disability Benefits payments can be affected by income from other sources. Here are some guidelines to help you.

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