Who Can Represent Me When Seeking Social Security Disability Insurance Coverage?

By Kenton Koszdin Law Office on January 8, 2013 | In Social Security Disability

The Social Security Administration (SSA) is in charge of administering Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. Demonstrating that you qualify for benefits and getting them can be an uphill battle, especially if your disability makes it difficult to perform once-routine tasks like making phone calls, answering questions, or gathering information. Fortunately, the SSA allows you to choose a representative to help you with these tasks – including an experienced Social Security disability benefits attorney.

Once the SSA knows who you have chosen to represent you, the agency will work with your representative the same way it would work with you. Both you and your representative have a responsibility to provide truthful answers to all the SSA’s questions to the best of your abilities. Your representative can take on many key tasks in your application for SSDI benefits, including:

  • receiving information about your claim from the SSA and sending information to the SSA,
  • helping you obtain and organize your medical records,
  • joining you at any meeting or hearing you have with the SSA,
  • requesting a reconsideration or appeal if you are initially denied benefits, and
  • helping you prepare for hearings and presenting your side of the story at the hearing.

At the Kenton Koszdin Law Office, our skilled southern California Social Security disability benefits attorneys can help you with every step of the application process, from filling out the initial forms to representing you during hearings or appeals. For a free and confidential case evaluation, call us today at (800) 438-7734.

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