Los Angeles SSD Lawyer Discusses Functional Capacity Evaluation

By Kenton Koszdin Law Office on December 14, 2023 | In Uncategorized

Los Angeles SSD Lawyer Discusses Functional Capacity Evaluation

Functional Capacity Evaluation and Social Security Disability

For much of your life, you have worked hard and contributed towards Social Security, hoping that you would receive financial support in your time of need. Now that you’re disabled, the Social Security Disability Insurance program (SSD) is making you jump through hoops to access or retain the benefits you are entitled to. Meanwhile, the medical bills are piling up and you’re struggling to make ends meet. You deserve better than this!

If the Social Security system is failing you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the passionate SSD attorneys at the Kenton Koszdin Law Office today. We have extensive experience in these matters and can help you get the coverage you need to resume your life. For a free, no-obligation case evaluation, call (818) 464-4610. We are happy to conduct your evaluation at your home if necessary.

What Are Functional Capacity Evaluations?

“Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCEs)” are tests used to determine the extent of an individual’s physical impairments. It is commonly administered to disability insurance and workers’ compensation claimants by a physical therapist or physician who specializes in occupational medicine.

During most FCEs, the following measurements are taken:

  • Lifting power
  • Pushing and pulling power
  • How long one can stand and walk
  • How long one can sit
  • Flexibility and reach
  • Joint health
  • Grasping and holding capabilities
  • Squatting and bending capabilities
  • Stooping and balancing capabilities

The duration of FCEs can vary depending on the conducting facility; some may take only a few hours, while others may be conducted over multiple days.

What Claimants Should Know about FCEs

If you are receiving long-term disability benefits, you will eventually receive a request to participate in an FCE at a facility selected by the provider. Refusal to take the test may give your provider the grounds to deny you benefits. Therefore, you should comply with the request.

However, before attending your FCE, you should consider the following tips:

  1. Check with your treating physician to see if you are medically cleared to undergo an FCE.
  2. Collect all relevant medical records and bring them to your FCE.
  3. Remember, your evaluation starts as soon as your examiner sees you.
  4. While you should not purposefully “self-limit” your performance during your FCE, do notify the examiner anytime an activity causes pain.
  5. After your FCE ends, write a detailed account of the evaluation – its duration, what activities were involved, which questions the examiner asked, etc.

FCE examiners do not always properly evaluate a claimant’s condition. If you feel that you were unfairly judged and have been denied benefits as a result, consult with a reliable disability lawyer right away.

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