Toxic & Chemical Exposure

Toxic Fumes & Worker Injury

It started out as a small cough. After awhile you couldn’t finish a sentence or take a breath without hacking till your lungs burned. Now your body is racked with pain and you can hardly move around without assistance. If you are like the millions of workers who have been unwittingly exposed to toxic fumes and poisonous chemicals on a regular basis at their workplace, these unfortunate symptoms may sound all too familiar. If so, you and your family may have grounds for a worker’s compensation or personal injury claim. Give the Kenton Koszdin Law Office a call today at (800) 438-7734 for a full case evaluation. You and your family have options and Attorney Kenton Koszdin is dedicated to helping you secure the financial support you deserve.

But don’t delay. Worker’s compensation cases can be quite exhausting, even with proper representation, and the sooner you submit your claim, the sooner you will be able to collect. Your attorney will need time to build your case and gather the proper evidence to defend your injuries. Additionally, in California, worker’s compensation cases and claims are held to a strict deadline – with only the rarest of exceptions. Review boards look favorably upon those applicants that submit their claim in a timely and organized fashion.

Call the Kenton Koszdin Law Office and schedule an appointment today at (800) 438-7734.

What Types Of Exposure Is Covered By Worker’s Compensation in Los Angeles?

By law, California employers are required to cover whatever accident an employee may encounter in the workplace – which can be substantial if you are working with or around hazardous materials. As a result, most if not all forms of chemical and toxic exposures are included in your company’s worker’s compensation insurance. Additionally, OSHA maintains a safe level of exposure for toxins and chemicals found in most productions, which company and plant operators must adhere to. Failure to do so can result in serious legal issues and potential harm to employees.

While there are too many to list here, the following are three of the most common types of complaints filed:


Unfortunately, even after decades of research, reports, and regulation, asbestos exposure remains at an alarmingly high rate. Despite certain bans on the mineral, it still exists as an insulator in a large number buildings and construction materials the world over – albeit in significantly lower amounts as opposed to the early 20th century. Laborers from just about every line of industry face the danger on a daily basis – shipbuilders, insulators, plumbers, railroad operators, construction workers, janitorial staff members, and even officer workers. Asbestos has been proven to cause various forms of lung cancer that can be fatal.


A natural by-product of certain types of manufacturing, benzene is a colorless liquid that, when vaporized, gives off a sweet smelling aroma. It is most commonly found in the production of crude oil, gasoline, resins, plastics and other such industries. It is also highly toxic and a known human carcinogen that can cause a myriad of health issues if exposed for any great length of time. Which means anyone working in the natural gas, oil or gasoline industry, or any derivative thereof, can be at risk for prolonged benzene exposure. It should also be noted that high levels of benzene can be found in cigarette smoke as well.


Also known as quartz dust, silica is a naturally forming mineral that exists in just about every type of stone on the planet. Unfortunately, when ground into a fine powder – through any means of drilling, grinding or chipping – silica can get into a worker’s lungs and cause untold amounts of damage. Generally speaking, any industry that utilizes rock, granite or other stones, in their production, must be aware of silica exposure in their employees.

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