Social Security Benefits for Children of Disabled Parents

By Kenton Koszdin Law Office on August 28, 2023 | In Social Security Benefits

Social Security Benefits for Children of Disabled Parents

The health and happiness of a child are very important to all parents. But sometimes, it becomes even more difficult when a parent cannot work due to a disability. That’s when the SSDI program steps in to help. It acknowledges and provides support to kids whose parents are receiving SSDI benefits. This ensures that the children of a disabled parent or guardian can be financially supported, regardless of their family’s situation.

Children whose parents receive SSDI benefits may qualify for benefits designed to offset the extra expenses of raising a child. These advantages can offer crucial assistance for basic needs like housing, education, and healthcare.

Requirements for Qualification:

To be eligible for additional benefits, specific requirements must be fulfilled.

  • To be considered, the parent must meet the eligibility criteria for SSDI benefits, which are granted based on a qualifying disability. Usually, these advantages are accessible to individuals with a significant employment background who have contributed to the Social Security fund through taxes.
  • The child should be under 18 years old and not married. If they’re a student, they can get benefits until they finish school or turn 19.
  • The child must rely on the parent who receives SSDI benefits for financial support.
  • To request benefits for the child, it is necessary to formally submit an application to the Social Security Administration (SSA). The application will necessitate a range of documents, including birth certificates and evidence of dependence.
  • The maximum benefits a family can receive, determined by the parent’s SSDI record, are restricted. If the combined amount exceeds the maximum limit for the family, the benefits for individuals might be modified accordingly.
  • If a child has a disability that started before they turned 22 and meets the Social Security Administration’s criteria for disability in adults, they may be eligible for benefits through the Disabled Adult Child (DAC) program.

These benefits can help families dealing with a parent’s disability. By understanding the qualifications and applying for benefits, you can create a safe and caring home for your child.

If you are disabled or were denied disability benefits, you need to hire an experienced Social Security disability attorney immediately. Call 818-293-4980 for your initial free consultation in our office or the comfort of your home. The Kenton Koszdin Law Office, Social Security attorney in Van Nuys, can help you navigate the application process for the best possible outcome for you and your family.

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