The Journey Back: Returning to Work After a Workplace Accident

By Kenton Koszdin Law Office on September 18, 2023 | In Blogs

The Journey Back: Returning to Work After a Workplace Accident

Workplace accidents are challenging as they affect both your physical health and your capacity to support yourself financially. As experts in worker’s compensation, we are aware of the difficulties involved in recovering from an injury and going back to work. Here are some helpful tips on how to manage the process of returning to the workforce. We are here to help you understand how to do it safely while protecting your health and rights.

Get Better First: You should know your health is the first and foremost important thing. If you’ve been hurt at work, taking the time you need to get better is essential. Your doctor will help you determine when you’re ready to return to work. Don’t rush it!

Talk to Your Doctor: Your doctor is like your health coach. They will tell you what you can and can’t do while healing. Tell your doctor what job you have and what tasks you do. This way, they can advise you on what work you can safely do.

Know Your Rights: You have rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and state laws. Your employer should give you a safe and supportive environment to perform your job effectively. You can talk to a lawyer if you’re unsure about your rights.

Communicate with Your Employer: Keep your employer informed of your progress. Once your doctor says it’s okay to return to work, it’s time to talk to them. Let them know if you have special needs, like a chair or desk. Good communication is super important as it can help facilitate a smoother return to your work.

Take It Slow: Remember to pace yourself properly when you’re back at work. You might not be able to do everything you used to right away. That’s okay! Increasing your workload gradually can help you adjust to your job demands while taking care of physical limitations you may still have.

Keep Records: It’s a good idea to keep records of everything related to your injury and your return to work. This includes doctor’s notes, emails with your boss, and other important papers. It can be helpful if there are any problems later on.

Ask for Help: Don’t hesitate to ask for help if needed. Whether it’s from your doctor, a lawyer, or a trusted friend, coworker, or family member, getting support during this time can make a big difference.

Returning to work after an injury can be tricky, but if you follow these steps and take things slow, you can do it safely. Your health and rights are important to us.

The team at Kenton Koszdin Law Office in Van Nuys understands the complexities of this process and is here to ensure your rights are protected. Our legal team has decades of experience navigating the complex California workers’ compensation system and federal Social Security disability system. Call us at 818-293-4980 or contact us online.

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