Beware Of The Insurance Company/Employer!

Insurance Companies DO NOT have your Best Interests in Mind…EVER.

In the days and weeks following a work place accident, there will be a number of people who will wish to speak with you, chief among them being your company’s insurance adjustors. For the sake of any potential workers’ compensation you may wish to collect – do not speak to an insurance adjustor until AFTER you have spoken to a qualified Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorney. Understand that insurance agents and the management who employ them are in the business of making money, and your best interests are never of concern to them. No matter how “committed” they seem about getting you the compensation you deserve to help you fully recover, the idea that these insurance companies are working for you could not be farther from the truth.

Insurance agents and employers work in conjunction to ensure your settlement is well below what it should be – to keep the company bottom line as low as possible. As a result, insurance companies will employ all manner of shady tactics to make that happen.

Some of The More Common Types of Questionable Behavior Include:

  • Hiring a private investigator to tail you and your family
  • Bugging your car, your home, and anywhere else they may be able to collect information to use against you
  • Calling family and friends to investigate your personal life and behavior
  • Scouring your social media profiles to see whether or not your injury can be disproven by the physical activities you post photos or updates about
  • Threatening your current job security and future employment
  • Refusing to cooperate with state agencies to further your claim

Whatever tactics the insurance company chooses to take, a workers’ compensation professional like Kenton Koszdin can make sure you are protected from start to finish. Kenton Koszdin has devoted his practice to ensuring those individuals who have been hurt on the job site, at the construction yard, or in the office receive the compensation they deserve. For those who have lost loved ones at the workplace, there is relief for you as well.

Who Should I Speak With About My Workers’ Compensation?

First and foremost – your attorney; by retaining proper legal representation you are putting your employer and their insurance adjustors on notice. You are sending a very clear message to those agents that you want your claim to be taken SERIOUSLY. The Kenton Koszdin Law Office has represented hundreds of such cases and we know the power that an experienced attorney can have upon a workers’ compensation case.

Above all – do not provide either your employer or their insurance agency with any information before speaking with an attorney. This includes medical records, incident reports, or even a statement of the events. This can make the difference between a fair settlement and one that matches their bottom-line.

Finally, do not wait to file. Most states, California included, are rigid in their deadlines when it comes to submitting your claim, so time is off the essence. This is just another element that insurance agents and your employer can use to lower your claim amount.

Whatever you do, don’t let your employer or their insurance agents bully or con you into a settlement that barely meets your needs. Workers’ compensation is a state mandate, one that every employer must adhere to whether they like it or not. Contact the Kenton Koszdin Law Office today to fully explore your rights and options (800) 438-7734.

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