Struggling with SSDI Payments? Common Myths Debunked

By Kenton Koszdin Law Office on November 16, 2023 | In Social Security Disability Insurance Payments

Struggling with SSDI Payments? Common Myths Debunked

If you’re struggling to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) payments, don’t worry, you’re not alone. The process can be challenging, but it’s important to dispel some common myths that may hold you back. In this blog post, we’ll debunk some of these myths and discuss how an experienced lawyer can help you with your SSDI application.

Waiting A Year

People often think that you have to wait a year after becoming disabled before you can apply for SSDI. This is not true. You can apply for SSD benefits when your doctor informs you that you may not recover from an injury or illness that prevents you from working for a living. The process of applying for and obtaining SSD benefits can be time-consuming. Therefore, if you believe you are eligible, there is no reason to delay starting the process.

Everyone Gets Their Application Denied At First

You shouldn’t give up just because you were turned down. Most SSDI applications are turned down. This, however, is not an official policy from the Social Security Administration (SSA). Many rejections are due to people not meeting the eligibility criteria or submitting incomplete applications that lack the necessary information for approval. An experienced disability lawyer can help you avoid common application mistakes and increase your chances of quick approval.

Medical Condition Is Not In The “Blue Book,” So You Won’t Qualify for Benefits

This is another myth. There are strict rules about who can get SSD benefits. The “Blue Book” is a list of mental and physical impairments that are severe enough to prevent a person from doing any gainful activity. If a person’s impairment meets the “Blue Book” criteria, they usually qualify for SSD benefits. If the impairment is not listed, the SSA will need to determine if the condition interferes with the person’s ability to work or prevents them from doing any other type of work. If so, the person may still qualify for SSD benefits. A lawyer can review your case, gather the necessary medical records, and make a strong case for you.

It’s A Straightforward and Fast Procedure

The SSDI application process is often slow and cumbersome. A lawyer with a lot of experience can help speed up the process and ensure your application is complete and correct.

There are many myths and confusing parts to the SSDI application process. An experienced Social Security Disability lawyer can help you through the process, improving your chances of being approved and keeping you from making mistakes that will cost you a lot of money. Please don’t let these myths stop you from asking for SSDI payments. You should get help from an experienced lawyer who can be very helpful during this difficult time.

The team at Kenton Koszdin Law Office in Van Nuys has decades of experience navigating the complex California workers’ compensation system and federal Social Security disability system. Call us at 818-293-4980 or contact us online.

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