Workers’ Compensation: Know the Basics

By Kenton Koszdin Law Office on June 26, 2013 | In Workers Compensation

If you’re injured on the job in California or suffer an illness related to your job in California, you may qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. An experienced southern California workers’ compensation benefits attorney can help you determine whether you qualify and answer questions specific to your situation. However, knowing the basics of workers’ compensation in California can help you better navigate the system and understand how the rules may apply to you.

What is workers’ compensation?

Workers’ compensation pays benefits if you are injured or become ill due to work, whether from one event or accident or from repeated exposure to a damaging substance or condition.

What benefits are available?

Workers’ compensation in California offers benefits in five major areas: medical benefits, temporary disability benefits, permanent disability benefits, supplemental job displacement benefits, and death benefits. How these benefits apply depends on the extent of your injury and other specifics.

What should I do if I get hurt on the job?

Inform your employer as soon as possible—immediately, if you can. Your employer must provide you with form DWC-1, which is used to open a workers’ compensation claim. Fill out the top part of the form and return it to your employer. If you need emergency medical help, get this help immediately, and turn in the form as soon as you can.

I’m an independent contractor and I was hurt at a job site. Do I qualify for workers’ compensation benefits?

In most cases, a worker must be an employee, not an independent contractor, in order to qualify for workers’ compensation benefits in California.

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