Discover how choosing a representative, such as an experienced Social Security disability benefits attorney, can make a difference in navigating the challenging process of qualifying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits.

Discover the challenges injured workers face in obtaining workers’ compensation benefits for joint pain injuries in California, and how experienced southern California workers’ compensation attorneys can help.

Learn about the information and documents to bring to a Social Security Administration (SSA) interview for your Social Security disability (SSD) benefits application. Find out how an experienced California SSD benefits attorney can help you prepare for the interview and understand the importance of providing necessary details to expedite the process.

Learn how an experienced team of Van Nuys Social Security disability lawyers at Kenton Koszdin Law Office can assist you in navigating the application process, even if your condition is not listed in the Blue Book.

Social Security Announces 1.7 Percent Benefits Increase

By Kenton Koszdin Law Office on October 23, 2012
In Social Security Disability

Discover how a skilled Oxnard Social Security disability benefits claim lawyer at Kenton Koszdin Law Office can assist you with filing for benefits or navigating your already-filed application.

Discover how workers’ compensation in California provides support for injured workers, including coverage for medical bills, wage replacement, and disability accommodations. Learn about the requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the California Department of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) for reasonable accommodations.

Understand the information and documentation needed to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits with the Social Security Administration (SSA). Find out the important details to include in your application.

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