If you are injured while working as a nanny, babysitter, or other domestic worker, find out if you are eligible for Workers’ Compensation (WC). Learn about the exceptions to WC coverage, how to determine your employment status, and who is responsible for providing WC insurance.

Discover how the Workers’ Compensation (WC) and Social Security Disability (SSDI) programs can work together to provide support when you are unable to work due to a work-related injury or illness. Learn about the eligibility requirements for each program and how they complement each other.

While federal employees are still eligible for Workers’ Compensation Benefits, the process is a little different than when applying for these benefits after an injury or disease at a non-federal employer.

10 Most Common Causes of Workplace Injuries

By Kenton Koszdin on August 31, 2018
In Workers Compensation

Gain insight into the most frequently encountered types of Workers’ Compensation injuries, such as overexertion, slips and falls, falling from heights, and more. Acquire a comprehensive understanding of the significance of workplace safety and accident prevention.

which otherwise would have been paid by the California workers’ compensation system.The Return-to-Work Supplement Program (RTWSP) is a component of California Senate Bill 863 and found in Labor Code section 139.48.

Gain insights into the process of medical evaluations in Workers’ Compensation (WC) cases and the importance of having an impartial and reliable physician to assess your injury. Learn about the options of an agreed medical evaluation (AME) or a panel qualified medical evaluator (QME) and their role in determining the extent of your benefits.

Discover the importance of keeping a pain journal to prove the extent of your injuries or illness in a Workers’ Compensation (WC) claim. Learn what information to include in your pain journal, such as pain levels, descriptions, medications, symptom changes, and how the injuries affect your daily life.

Get help with your disability case, including Social Security Disability and workers’ compensation, from the Kenton Koszdin Law Office. Learn about your rights as an injured worker and how our experienced attorneys can navigate the complex process for you.

When your teenager is on the job hunt, it’s important to consider workplace safety. Learn about the most dangerous jobs for teenagers and how to keep them safe at work in this blog article.

10 Most Dangerous Jobs in the U.S.

By Kenton Koszdin Law Office on December 6, 2017
In Workers Compensation

More than 4,800 people are killed each year in U.S. workplaces (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Most of these fatal occupational injuries occur in a small number of sectors that are the most dangerous ways to earn a living in our country. Here are the 10 most dangerous jobs in the U.S.: Logging workers. Dangers for… Read More

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