Struggling with SSDI? Debunk myths, like waiting a year or automatic denials. Learn how a skilled lawyer can streamline the process. Get help at Kenton Koszdin Law Office.

The wait for Social Security disability benefits can be frustrating, often taking up to two years to receive the money you are entitled to. If you’ve been waiting for SSDI or SSI disability benefits, it’s crucial to take action and seek the help you deserve. Learn how to navigate the complexities of the process and ensure you receive the full benefits you are owed. Don’t let delays prevent you from accessing the financial support you need. Take the first step by reading the article and understanding your options.

Is Your SSDI Check Late?

By Kenton Koszdin Law Office on May 30, 2022
In Blogs

You will typically wait five months before receiving your first SSDI benefits payment. You will receive the first payment in the sixth month from your application approval month.

Simplify the complex language of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. Learn the meanings of crucial terms like Medicaid, Medicare, Month of Election, OASDI, PIA, Protective Filing Date, Reduction Months, and Retroactive Benefits. Count on the Kenton Koszdin Law Office for expert guidance through the disability benefits application process.

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